当前检索式 ((ALL:Shahack-Gross, Ruth))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (出处:SCIENCE) AND (资助机构:Faculty of Humanities of the University of Haifa) AND (作者:311034-000077))
31003A 176319) 1 A.E.R.S. Dental Medi 1 Australian Research 1
Dan David Foundation 1 Faculty of Humanitie 1 Fundacion Atapuerca 1
Irene Levi-Sala CARE 1 Israel Science Found 1 LaScArBx(ANR-10-LABX 1
Leakey Foundation 1 Life Science Faculty 1 Marie Curie Internat 1
Ministerio de Econom 1 Oesterreichische Nat 1 Siegfried Ludwig-Rud 1
Swiss National Scien 1 Thyssen Foundation 1