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A Study on the Materiality of Black Stone Excavated From the Dingsishan Assemblage in Yongning County, Guangxi 期刊论文
SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 2022, 卷号: 42, 期号: 1, 页码: 253-257
作者:  Li Ying;  Zhou Zhen-yu;  Yang Yi-min;  Luo Wu-gan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/22
Obsidian  Tektite  Chipped Stone  Nondestructive spectral analysis  
Fission track dating of ancient man site in Baise, China, and its significances in space research, paleomagnetism and stratigraphy 期刊论文
RADIATION MEASUREMENTS, 1997, 卷号: 28, 期号: 1-6, 页码: 565-570
作者:  Guo, SL;  Huang, W;  Hao, XH;  Chen, BL;  Guo, SL (reprint author), Inst Atom Energy, POB 275 96, Beijing 102413, Peoples R China.
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Fission Track Dating  Ancient Man Site  Tektite  Space Research  Paleomagnetism  Stratigraphy