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其他题名A Zooarchaeological Study of Bone Assemblages from the Ma’anshan Site and the Interpretations of Hominid Behaviours
关键词马鞍山遗址 动物考古 古人类行为 旧石器时代
摘要马鞍山遗址经历了1986年和1990年两次系统发掘,面积在47m2左右,可以分为上、下两个文化层。这两个文化层都出土了大量碎骨,其中可鉴定的大型哺乳动物骨骼标本4358件,本文即以这些标本为研究对象,通过对动物种属的个体组成、骨骼表面痕迹、死亡年龄分布和骨骼单元分布研究,复原马鞍山遗址远古人类选择、搬运、处理和消费猎物的行为,阐释他们的生存方式、技术手段和开发资源的能力等,并对早晚两期远古人类相关行为的异同进行对比,为差异的产生提出可能的假说。 通过对马鞍山遗址动物骨骼组合的分析及其与相关的民族学、实验和实地考察资料的对比,发现马鞍山遗址晚期远古人类更倾向于狩猎中小型动物;对水牛/大额牛和水鹿等食草类可能采取了潜伏式或陷阱的方法进行狩猎,因此对它们的年龄并没有进行选择,但是由于猕猴的体型较小,晚期远古人类则选择捕猎成年个体以获得更多的脂肪;他们倾向于将猎物的大部分甚至全部都带回居住地;用火对第I、II、III等级动物的某些部位进行带骨烧烤;用石制品对上中部肢骨和肋骨等多肉部位进行一定程度的剔肉处理;对具有髓腔的骨骼进行敲骨取髓;对指/趾骨部分的皮和掌/跖骨部分的筋腱也有一定程度的利用。马鞍山遗址早期远古人类倾向狩猎大型动物,对水牛/大额牛和中国犀等食草类可能采取了潜伏式或陷阱的方法进行狩猎,因此对它们的年龄并没有进行选择。对于东方剑齿象,早期远古人类则可能为了规避风险或者根据自己的口感喜好选择捕猎幼年个体;他们倾向于将上、中部肢骨部分带回驻地;用石制品对上、中部肢骨的肉食开发得比肋骨部分更彻底;对具有髓腔的骨骼进行敲骨取髓;不倾向于火对猎物进行带骨烧烤;从肢端的切割痕迹分布情况分析,早期远古人类对指/趾骨部分的皮和掌/跖骨部分的筋腱也没有进行利用。 总之,马鞍山遗址的晚期远古人类尽可能地将猎物带回,用火烧烤肉食,对肉和骨髓进行一定程度的开发,对猎物的副产品——皮和筋腱进行利用,他们对猎物资源开发得比较充分,可能已经形成了一种集约型的生活方式。但是,早期远古人类对猎物资源的开发则不够充分,具有一定的选择性。 根据动物群组成、年代、环境和文化遗物组合的初步综合分析,推测环境变化或人群的迁移可能是产生上述差异的原因,但是到底哪种假说能够成立还有待于相关工作更系统、更深入地开展。 关键词:马鞍山遗址 动物考古 古人类行为 旧石器时代
其他摘要Located in Tongzi County, Gui Zhou Province in Southwest China, the Ma’anshan cave is a Paleolithic site that was excavated twice in 1986 and 1990. The total areas of cave is about 47m2, and the cultural deposit is divided into two strata. The age of the Upper Layer is between 19,295 B.P. to 31,155 B.P. (AMS), while that of the Lower Layer is dated to around 53000 B.P. (U-Series). Ten thousands of bone fragments were recovered, of which 4,358 pieces can be identified to skeletal elements or species. In this research the bone assemblages are quantified based on elements of MNI, MNE and MAU. Then bone surface modifications, mortality profiles, skeletal element profiles of the bone assemblages will be studied in order to determine the age of preys targeted by hominids, to understand shlepping behaviors, to reveal the technique of disarticulating and defleshing the animals’ bodies, etc. The similarity and the difference of the data between the Upper Layers and Lower Layers are summarized, and two hypotheses are proposed to explain the difference of hominid behavior. Based on the analyses of bone assemblages and the comparative study with ethnoarchaeological and, experimental data, it is assumed that the occuptants of the Upper Layer prefered to hunt middle and small sized animals using ambush hunting methods or trap techniques to capture probably Bubalus/Bibos and Cervus unicolor, of which there nearly had no selection on animal ages because the proportions of the juvenile, prime and old is close to that caused by natural death. As for the Macaca, they might have to prey the prime one for more fats. The analytical results also suggest that they might have brought more parts of the prey back to their base camp. They might have baked the meat with bones attached, so there remains partial burned bones among many elements. They defleshed limbs and ribs by stone tools with no favouritism,so the cut mark frequencies of the two parts are similar; Finally, they might have cracked the bones for marrow, and used the tendon and fur from the lower limbs. In the contrast, the early occupants of the Lower Layer preferred to prey big sized animals, had no preference on age selection of Bubalus/Bibos and Rhinoceros sinensis; however for the Stegodon orientalis, they almost only hunted the juvenile ones. From the ethnoarchaeological observation, this kind of preference is related to the tasty of the meat. They might have taken limbs of the preys back to the base camp and defleshed the limbs more complete than the ribs by stone tools, resulting the fact that the cut mark frequency is higher of the long bones than the ribs. They might also have cracked the bone for marrow, but did not like to bake meat with bones, and did not use the tendon and the fur of the lower limbs. The zooarchaeological evidence at the Ma’anshan imply that,the late hominid at the site made more full use of the game animals than the early hominid. According to the chronological dating, paleoenvironment, and artifact assemblages of stone and bone between the two cultural layers, this study proposes two hypotheses suggesting either the changes of environment or the migrations of the hominids from the North may cause such behavioral differences. However which hypothesis can better explain the causes of hominid behavioral changes is yet to be determined until further in-depth researches is undertaken..
GB/T 7714
张乐. 马鞍山遗址古人类行为的动物考古学研究[D]. 古脊椎动物与古人类研究所. 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,2008.
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