

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 6
    外部: 558
    国内: 444
    国外: 120


    内部: 0
    外部: 219
    国内: 198
    国外: 21


    内部: 0
    外部: 36
    国内: 31
    国外: 5



1. Strengthened East Asian summer monsoons during a period of high-la.. [573]
2. Late Miocene large mammals from Ivand (Northwestern Iran) [538]
3. Fossil mammals resolve regional patterns of Eurasian climate chang.. [460]
4. 中国更新世兔属化石两新种 [431]
5. 中国北方晚新生代兔科(Leporidae, Lagomorpha)化石 [418]
6. 中国更新世兔属化石的厘定 [382]
7. 中国新近纪牛科分类及演化规律 [355]
8. 中国晚中新世陆相哺乳动物群序列:陕西蓝田的新证据 [350]
9. 记几种原鼢鼠( 啮齿目,鼢鼠科)及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [334]
10. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组松鼠科和林跳鼠科化石 [327]
11. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世——上新世小哺乳动物生物地层 [321]
12. 泥河湾盆地上新世小哺乳动物生物地层学及相关问题讨论 [319]
13. 丹江库区脊椎动物化石和旧石器的发现与意义 [310]
14. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组的仓鼠化石 [309]
15. 陕西蓝田灞河组乌米兽亚科( Urmiatheriinae , Bovidae) 一新属 [297]
16. The late Eocene hyracodontid perissodactyl Ardynia from Saint Jacq.. [287]
17. 山西保德第30地点的跳鼠化石及其环境意义 [285]
18. Perissodactyl diversities and responses to climate changes as refl.. [282]
19. 欧亚大陆东部新近纪气候与生物群变化——序言 [275]
20. 华北晚中新世羚羊的食性与古环境——稳定碳同位素的证据 [275]
21. 中国原大羚化石的再研究 [272]
22. 甘肃灵台文王沟(93002地点)晚中新世—早上新世生物地层 [268]
23. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组沙鼠类化石 [265]
24. New materials of Dinocrocuta (Percrocutidae, Carnivora) from Lanti.. [260]
25. 山东平邑第四纪裂隙中哺乳动物群及其生态学意义 [259]
26. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组鼠科化石 [256]
27. 甘肃灵台文王沟晚中新世——早更新世小哺乳动物 [254]
28. 山东宁阳早更新世哺乳动物化石 [253]
29. 甘肃灵台晚中新世—早更新世生物地层划分及其意义 [247]
30. 陕西蓝田灞河组陕西转角羚一新种 [246]
31. A new middle Miocene pliopithecid from Inner Mongolia, China [244]
32. A new magnetostratigraphic framework for late Neogene Hipparion Re.. [240]
33. 陕西府谷晚中新世蓝牛化石 [230]
34. Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and climatic changes .. [226]
35. 山东淄博第四纪裂隙动物群 [219]
36. Paleomagnetic chronology and records of Himalayan uplift on the Lo.. [215]
37. 中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落与东亚环境变化 [212]
38. A new species of Gobiolagus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from the Middle.. [209]
39. 陕西蓝田灞河组晚中新世Gazella羚羊的形态特征与分类 [205]
40. Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the fossiliferous Ulantatal se.. [202]
41. Small mammal tooth enamel carbon isotope record of C-4 grasses in .. [200]
42. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [199]
43. 牙齿釉质显微结构术语简介和规范汉语译名的建议 [199]
44. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [197]
45. A new early Eocene deperetellid tapiroid illuminates the origin of.. [193]
46. An Oasis in the Desert? History of Endemism and Climate in the Lat.. [192]
47. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [191]
48. 内蒙古大庙中新世小哺乳动物化石埋藏学研究(英文) [187]
49. 甘肃骟马城哺乳动物化石地质年代的新认识 [186]
50. Translation of Otto Zdansky's "The localities of the Hipparion fau.. [182]
51. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [181]
52. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [176]
53. An Oasis in the Desert? History of Endemism and Climate in the Lat.. [175]
54. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [173]
55. The late Miocene hominoid-bearing site in the Maragheh Formation, .. [171]
56. 西藏吉隆-沃马盆地龙骨沟剖面古地磁年代学及喜马拉雅山抬升记录 [170]
57. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [168]
58. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [165]
59. 陕西蓝田灞河组乌米兽亚科urmiatheriinaebovidae一新属 [165]
60. 西藏吉隆-沃马盆地龙骨沟剖面古地磁年代学及喜马拉雅山抬升记录 [165]
61. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [159]
62. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [152]
63. 甘肃灵台文王沟晚中新世一早更新世小哺乳动物 [151]
64. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [150]
65. 鄂西地区一个含早期人类和巨猿化石的新地层单位--高坪组 [147]
66. 中国晚中新世陆相哺乳动物群序列:陕西蓝田的新证据 [145]
67. neogeneclimaticandbioticchangesineasterneurasiapreface [145]
68. 鄂西高坪龙骨洞地层形成环境的研究 [144]
69. anewmimotonidanminahuimammaliagliresfromthemiddlepaleoceneofqiansh.. [144]
70. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [139]
71. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [139]
72. presenceofthecalcanealcanalinbasalglires [138]
73. 内蒙古大庙中新世哺乳动物群序列与环境变化 [127]
74. anewspeciesoflatemiocenehamstercricetidaerodentiafromdamiaoneimong.. [127]
75. 甘肃董湾晚新近纪地层及中新统上新统界线 [125]
76. anewspeciesoflatemiocenehamstercricetidaerodentiafromdamiaoneimong.. [125]
77. sciuridsandzapodidsfromthelatemiocenebaheformationlantianshaanxi [125]
78. thedipodidaejerboasfromloc30ofbaodeandtheirenvironmentalsignifican.. [123]
79. anewspeciesofeuproxcervidaemammaliafromthemiddlemioceneofdamiaonei.. [123]
80. The provenance of late Cenozoic East Asian Red Clay: Tectonic-meta.. [123]
81. Oligocene moisture variations as evidenced by an aeolian dust sequ.. [122]
82. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [120]
83. morphologyandtaxonomyofgazellabovidaeartiodactylafromthelatemiocen.. [118]
84. sciuridsandzapodidsfromthelatemiocenebaheformationlantianshaanxi [118]
85. 记几种原鼢鼠啮齿目鼢鼠科及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [115]
86. middlemioceneochotonidsochotonidaelagomorphafromdamiaopliopithecid.. [114]
87. paleodietsandpaleoenvironmentsoflatemiocenegazellesfromnorthchinae.. [112]
88. onthegeologicalageofmammalianfossilsfromshanmachenggansuprovince [111]
89. phylogeneticanalysisonpalaeogalepalaeogalidaecarnivorabasedonspeci.. [109]
90. latemiocenecervavitusnovorossiaecervidaeartiodactylafromlantiansha.. [108]
91. 记几种原鼢鼠啮齿目鼢鼠科及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [107]
92. phylogeneticanalysisonpalaeogalepalaeogalidaecarnivorabasedonspeci.. [106]
93. 甘肃灵台文王沟(93002地点)晚中新世──早上新世生物地层 [103]
94. anewspeciesofeuproxcervidaemammaliafromthemiddlemioceneofdamiaonei.. [102]
95. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世─上新世 小哺乳动物生物地层 [102]
96. thedipodidaejerboasfromloc30ofbaodeandtheirenvironmentalsignifican.. [100]
97. morphologyandtaxonomyofgazellabovidaeartiodactylafromthelatemiocen.. [99]
98. 湖北建始早期人类及巨猿年代学研究 [97]
99. 鄂西地区早期人类和巨猿生存环境研究 [96]
100. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世─上新世 小哺乳动物生物地层 [95]


1. 中国更新世兔属化石两新种 [151]
2. 中国更新世兔属化石的厘定 [138]
3. 中国新近纪牛科分类及演化规律 [119]
4. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世——上新世小哺乳动物生物地层 [118]
5. Perissodactyl diversities and responses to climate changes as refl.. [103]
6. 记几种原鼢鼠( 啮齿目,鼢鼠科)及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [101]
7. 陕西蓝田灞河组乌米兽亚科( Urmiatheriinae , Bovidae) 一新属 [100]
8. 泥河湾盆地上新世小哺乳动物生物地层学及相关问题讨论 [98]
9. 中国晚中新世陆相哺乳动物群序列:陕西蓝田的新证据 [96]
10. 中国原大羚化石的再研究 [95]
11. Fossil mammals resolve regional patterns of Eurasian climate chang.. [94]
12. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组松鼠科和林跳鼠科化石 [88]
13. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组沙鼠类化石 [88]
14. 丹江库区脊椎动物化石和旧石器的发现与意义 [88]
15. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组鼠科化石 [84]
16. 陕西蓝田晚中新世灞河组的仓鼠化石 [83]
17. 欧亚大陆东部新近纪气候与生物群变化——序言 [82]
18. The late Eocene hyracodontid perissodactyl Ardynia from Saint Jacq.. [82]
19. 陕西府谷晚中新世蓝牛化石 [79]
20. 陕西蓝田灞河组陕西转角羚一新种 [78]
21. Late Miocene large mammals from Ivand (Northwestern Iran) [78]
22. 甘肃灵台文王沟(93002地点)晚中新世—早上新世生物地层 [76]
23. 山东平邑第四纪裂隙中哺乳动物群及其生态学意义 [74]
24. 中国北方晚新生代兔科(Leporidae, Lagomorpha)化石 [71]
25. 甘肃灵台文王沟晚中新世——早更新世小哺乳动物 [70]
26. 山东淄博第四纪裂隙动物群 [68]
27. 山东宁阳早更新世哺乳动物化石 [64]
28. 甘肃灵台晚中新世—早更新世生物地层划分及其意义 [58]
29. A new middle Miocene pliopithecid from Inner Mongolia, China [58]
30. Strengthened East Asian summer monsoons during a period of high-la.. [56]
31. 内蒙古大庙中新世小哺乳动物化石埋藏学研究(英文) [55]
32. 陕西蓝田灞河组晚中新世Gazella羚羊的形态特征与分类 [52]
33. 华北晚中新世羚羊的食性与古环境——稳定碳同位素的证据 [51]
34. 山西保德第30地点的跳鼠化石及其环境意义 [50]
35. The late Miocene hominoid-bearing site in the Maragheh Formation, .. [49]
36. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [49]
37. 中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落与东亚环境变化 [48]
38. A new early Eocene deperetellid tapiroid illuminates the origin of.. [48]
39. Small mammal tooth enamel carbon isotope record of C-4 grasses in .. [47]
40. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [47]
41. A new magnetostratigraphic framework for late Neogene Hipparion Re.. [46]
42. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [45]
43. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [44]
44. 甘肃骟马城哺乳动物化石地质年代的新认识 [43]
45. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [41]
46. 鄂西高坪龙骨洞地层形成环境的研究 [41]
47. 西藏吉隆-沃马盆地龙骨沟剖面古地磁年代学及喜马拉雅山抬升记录 [41]
48. New materials of Dinocrocuta (Percrocutidae, Carnivora) from Lanti.. [40]
49. 中国晚中新世陆相哺乳动物群序列:陕西蓝田的新证据 [40]
50. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [39]
51. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [38]
52. 陕西蓝田灞河组乌米兽亚科urmiatheriinaebovidae一新属 [38]
53. 西藏吉隆-沃马盆地龙骨沟剖面古地磁年代学及喜马拉雅山抬升记录 [36]
54. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [35]
55. 牙齿釉质显微结构术语简介和规范汉语译名的建议 [35]
56. Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the fossiliferous Ulantatal se.. [34]
57. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [33]
58. An Oasis in the Desert? History of Endemism and Climate in the Lat.. [32]
59. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [31]
60. 湖北建始早期人类及巨猿年代学研究 [31]
61. 鄂西地区一个含早期人类和巨猿化石的新地层单位--高坪组 [31]
62. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [30]
63. Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and climatic changes .. [29]
64. Translation of Otto Zdansky's "The localities of the Hipparion fau.. [28]
65. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [28]
66. 甘肃灵台文王沟(93002地点)晚中新世──早上新世生物地层 [27]
67. 记几种原鼢鼠啮齿目鼢鼠科及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [27]
68. 记几种原鼢鼠啮齿目鼢鼠科及鼢鼠科的起源讨论 [27]
69. presenceofthecalcanealcanalinbasalglires [27]
70. 甘肃灵台文王沟晚中新世一早更新世小哺乳动物 [27]
71. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [26]
72. Hypsodonty of Dipodidae (Rodentia) in Correlation with Diet Prefer.. [26]
73. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世─上新世 小哺乳动物生物地层 [25]
74. 甘肃灵台小石沟晚中新世─上新世 小哺乳动物生物地层 [24]
75. 甘肃灵台文王沟(93002地点)晚中新世──早上新世生物地层 [21]
76. Oligocene moisture variations as evidenced by an aeolian dust sequ.. [19]
77. The provenance of late Cenozoic East Asian Red Clay: Tectonic-meta.. [14]
78. An Oasis in the Desert? History of Endemism and Climate in the Lat.. [10]
79. anewmimotonidanminahuimammaliagliresfromthemiddlepaleoceneofqiansh.. [10]
80. New Material of Karakoromys (Ctenodactylidae, Rodentia) from Late .. [3]